Walking together: a new ESC in volunteer development
Home. That is what I feel, when I think about AFS. Home and Family, a big, worldwide family that keeps adding members and expanding around the world. My name is…
Home. That is what I feel, when I think about AFS. Home and Family, a big, worldwide family that keeps adding members and expanding around the world. My name is…
Í AFS skiptinámi ferðu í ótrúlegt ferðalag menningaruppgötvunar og persónulegs þroska! Við bjóðum upp á yfir 25 áfangastaði og prógrömm í 3,6 eða 10 mánuði. Við bjóðum upp á fjölbreytta…
The collection of all the editions of „Nafnleysa“ for the year 2023-2024 is now available to this link. Check it out here! September 2023
The collection of all the editions of „Nafnleysa“ for the year 2022-2023 is now available at the links below. Have a nice reading! September 2022 …
Nafleysa June
1. Er fjölskyldan mín sú rétta í þetta? Algjörlega! Allt sem þarf til að vera hin fullkomna fósturfjölskylda er pláss í hjartanu og á heimilinu! AFS fjölskyldur eru alls konar,…