Breytingar á skrifstofu


Í janúar skiptust þær Ásdís Björk og Eva Hlín á skrifborðsstól. Ásdís hefur unnið á skrifstofu AFS frá því snemma árs 2018 og sinnt sjálfboðaliðastörfum miklu lengur 🙂 Ásdís sinnir nú framhaldsnámi í alþjóðastjórnmálafræði og óskum við henni velfarnaðar þar 🙂
Við starfi Ásdísar tók Eva Hlín Alfreðsdóttir viðskiptafræðingur og verkefnastjóri. Eva Hlín hefur sinnt fjölbreyttum störfum, svo sem rekstri farfuglaheimilis, Ljómalindar sveitamarkaðs í Borgarnesi auk viðburðahalds og samfélagsverkefna.



Takk fyrir mig! – Anke


One year ago I came to Iceland excited for everything to come! ONE YEAR ALREADY. Time flies by so fast. Today is already my last day in the office, I cannot believe it. This year was very different than expected. The Covid-pandemic made it definitely challenging. Due to that many activities had to be cancelled which was very sad. I’m happy I could still work with a lot of volunteers online,  that I could meet some amazing people and really help AFS Iceland! I hope times will get better soon and that in-person activities can happen again. Unfortunately I cannot be there then. But I’m hoping to see everyone again somewhere (soon) in the future! Preferably in person, or just online. 

This year has brought me a lot! Next to all my projects and experiences within the office, I also managed to travel a lot and to see a lot of Iceland. And I learned how to knit. I managed to finish 3 lopapeysur and a lot of other small knitting projects. I’m quite proud of myself for that. 

My flight back to the Netherlands is booked for February 24th. So in less than 2 weeks from now. I cannot believe I need to leave already and I’m still a bit in denial. But to good times comes an end and new challenges will come to me soon again! Before that, I’m gonna make the best out of my last weeks / days in Iceland.



I want to thank AFS Iceland for giving me this opportunity! It has been amazing and I’ll never forget my time in this amazing country!

Sjaumst aftúr!
Anke (11.02.2021)



Fósturfjölskylduöflun fyrir haust 2021


Umsóknarfrestur til að sækja um skiptinám Íslandi rann út 1. mars. Okkur bárust 23 umsóknir frá skiptinemum. Af þeim eru 18 umsóknir fyrir ársdvöl og fimm umsóknir í þriggja mánaða dvöl. Líkur eru að við bætum við tveimur umsóknum um ársdvöl vegna samninga um að senda og taka móti einum. 

Búið er að staðfest tvær fósturfjölskyldur sem er mjög ánægjulegt þar sem það getur verið áskorun að finna fjölskyldur á Covid tímum. Lýsingar á nemum munu koma til með að detta inn á heimasíðu AFS á næstu vikum. Við hvetjum við alla til að deila öllum fréttum og lýsingum af nemum svo við getum náð til sem flestra og fundið fjölskyldur fyrir þá sem vilja koma til ÍSlands í skiptinám. Við munum fljótlega pósta nýju nemunum á Facebook en hér má finna lýsingar af þeim nemum sem komnir eru inn á heimasíðu AFS: 


Over a year with covid

‘Almost exactly one year ago, thousands of AFS students suddenly learned that they would have to end their AFS experience due to the Covid-19 pandemic. While our Network has navigated many crises, this was the first time ever in our long history that we cancelled all of our programs everywhere to protect our participants. AFS staff and volunteers worked around the clock for weeks to make sure that each and every participant—almost 7,000—made it home safely.

One year later, we are so proud of our AFSers for their resilience, and grateful for your support, as we rebuild a better AFS together.

Last year was extremely difficult, and many challenges still lie ahead. But all of us are working each and every day to ensure that the AFS mission will thrive. Thank you for your continued support in these unpredictable times.?’

Daniel Obst
President & CEO
AFS intercultural Programs


Velkomin Tom!

Read more about Tom in this article!